The Slovenia Times

Social Democrats Pushing for Early Election


The SocDems discussed the situation in the country at a meeting in Ljubljana on Saturday, establishing that they were the only party interested in the cleansing of authoritarianism and cronyism on the left as well as on the right of the political spectrum, Lukšič told reporters.

He slammed the idea of a project government promoted by the fellow opposition PS, which he said caused uncertainty rather than contributed to a solution because it was building a majority against Prime Minister Janez Janša rather than a majority for an alternative government.

After the party's talks with the PS, Lukšič's assessment is that "there is no water in the pool at this level". In his view the idea advocated by the PS is the departure of "the right cronysim and the Janez Janša government", which he said was not an ambitious enough platform for the SD to take part in it.

Lukšič had already said earlier this week that he had no intention of meeting interim PS leader Alenka Bratušek, who is conducting talks on a project government. But after some of the SD deputies met PS officials a few days ago, Lukšič does not expect the parties to meet again.

"These were not talks, but a courtesy visit at which the PS could present the conclusions of the party congress". The SD established that "there is no water in the pool at this level". "Once the water is the pool it would be fair of them to invite us to go swimming together," Lukšič said, referring to demands for Zoran Janković's full withdrawal as PS leader.


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