The Slovenia Times

Public Opinion: 60% Would Vote for New Party


Most of those questioned, 49%, opted for an early election as the best solution for the current political crisis, 29% favoured a "project government", a concept advocated by the opposition Positive Slovenia (PS), and 14% would prefer the incumbent government to stay.

If elections were to be held early, 66% would want them to be held as soon as possible, 16% would prefer the general election to be held along with the elections to the European Parliament in spring 2014, and 12% believe it would be best if the vote was held together with local elections in the autumn of 2014, the poll, run in Monday's edition of Delo, shows.

In case of a project government, 89% believe such a government should be run by an expert who has not been active in politics yet. Only 5% believe an interim government should be headed by a politician.

The poll also found that 76% supported the ratification of Croatia's EU Accession Treaty, against 14% who do not.

Asked which of the two rival protests announced for 8 February they would rather take part in, 51% opted for the anti-establishment protests and 15% for the rally organised by the right-leaning Assembly for the Republic; 31% would not take part in either protest.

The poll was carried out by the publisher's market research department Delo Stik over the phone on 30 and 31 January among 504 respondents.


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