The Slovenia Times

Public Opinion: Govt Approval Rating Record Low


A total of 79.6% of respondents labelled the government's work as negative or very negative, while only 12.8% assessed it as positive or very positive.

The government approval rating slipped to 1.88 (on a 1-5 scale) from 2.25 last month, which according to Delo is by far the worst assessment of any government led by Janez Janša and one of the lowest scores on record.

Only the government of Borut Pahor received a lower mark (1.82) just before breaking up in June 2011.

Parliament scored 2.12 for its work, with most respondents assessing MPs' work as negative or very negative (75.7%) and only 15.5% assessing it as positive or very positive.

All parliamentary parties lost ground bar the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) and the Citizens' List (DL), whose support rose from 3.2% last month to 3.7% and from 3.2% to 5.5%, respectively.

The opposition Social Democrats (SD) remain in the lead with 14.6% support (down from 17.1% last month), followed by the ruling Democrats (SDS) with 10.2% (down from 11.7%). The opposition Positive Slovenia (PS) came in third at 7.2% (7.7% last month).

The coalition People's Party (SLS) enjoys 6.4% support (6.9% last month) and New Slovenia (NSi) 2.7% (3.9% last month).

The share of people who would not vote for any of the parties, would not turn out to vote or are undecided reached 46%.

A little over 50% of respondents meanwhile support incumbent parliamentary parties, while 3.7% would vote for a non-parliamentary party.

The list of most popular politicians brought no changes this month, as President Borut Pahor remains the most popular politician, followed by Economic Development and Technology Minister and SLS head Radovan Žerjav and European Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik.

The poll was conducted by Delo's in-house Stik agency between 11 and 14 February among 700 adults.


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