The Slovenia Times

Supreme Court: Being PM is not a Human Right


The decision upholds the ruling of the Celje Administrative Court that rejected the PM's request in early February. Both courts have said that neither procedural nor content-related reasons existed to issue an injunction on the report.

Janša has failed to demonstrate the probability that the commission had violated his human rights and that he incurred irreparable damage, the commission quoted the Supreme Court in a press release.

The court also said that "the office of the prime minister is not a (personal) right of the plaintiff or of anybody else," the commission added.

The Corruption Prevention Commission expressed hope that the ruling will improve the level of debate regarding the report that raised a lot of dust after being presented in January.

Janša's counsel, Franci Matoz, was quick to point out that the court was deciding only on the injunction, not the substance of the claim, which is being examined by the Celje Administrative Court.

The Supreme Court merely decided that the political crisis and the collapse of the government do not constitute a personal injury to Janša, according to Matoz.

Janša's Democrats (SDS) said the decision was "expected considering the state of our judiciary".


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