Telekom, Simobil and Tušmobil to Get New Mobile Frequencies
According to the commission's report published on the web site of the Agency for Post and Electronic Communications (APEK), Simobil is eligible for three even frequency subbands at radiofrequency 1800 MHz, Tušmobil is to get two even subbands at 1800 MHz and Telekom two even subbands at 1800 MHz and one even subband at 2100 MHz.
The three operators together offered EUR 2.7m for the frequencies.
Based on the commission's report, APEK is now expected to officially grant them access to the frequencies by mid-June at the latest.
In the public call for applications published on 15 March, APEK offered access to eight odd subbands at 1800 MHz until 3 January 2016 and two odd subbands at 2100 MHZ for the period until 21 September 2021.
The aim of APEK's technology-neutral call was to provide radio frequencies for mobile telephony under favourable conditions in order to promote the expansion of next-generation broadband service.
The agency is still planning a big-bang auction of frequencies at 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1800 Mhz, 2100 MHz and 2600 MHz in 2014, but has decided to go ahead with the smaller auction to respond to demand among operators who will see their existing 900 MHz and 1800 MHz licenses expire in 2016.
It has been known for a while that the two biggest mobile operators Telekom Slovenije and Simobil have interest in launching 4G services, for which they require additional frequencies.