Parliamentary Bodies, Social Partners Discuss Reform Programme
The National Reform Programme aims to reassure partners that the country can handle its problems alone. The government says it intends to relaunch the economy by restructuring the banking system and continuing structural reforms started by its predecessor.
Moreover, it is to boost the economy by introducing measures to gradually lower debt of companies and improve the business environment, as well as continue the consolidation of public finances.
The National Reform Programme also contains estimates on implementation of recommendations from other EU members and the European Commission from last year, as well as reforms planned for the future.
The document must be submitted to the European Commission as part of the European semester, an annual cycle of macro-economic, budgetary and structural policy coordination. It will expectedly be sent to Brussels alongside the country's Stability Programme in early May.
Based on the member states' reform programmes and budget plans the European Commission drafts individual recommendations for each member. Last year, Slovenia was urged to do a better job at reforms and getting its public finances in order.