The Slovenia Times

President Spends the Day as Farm Help


Pahor, who was joined at the Goličnik Farm in Šmihel nad Mozirjem by Agriculture Minister Dejan Židan, wanted to learn more about the lives and prospects of young landowners in farming.

He told reporters that he assured his hosts the state would secure incentives to help young farmers as they discussed what could be done so young farmers stay in business over breakfast.

The president started the day as early as 5.30 AM by cleaning the stable, taking the animals to pasture and helping the house-lady knead bread dough, splitting wood, as well as mowing the meadow.

Estimating that the work on the mountain farm was far from being easy, Pahor was especially surprised by the enthusiasm and seriousness shown by the owner of the farm, Boštjan Goličnik, who took over at age 24.

Even though Slovenians are not afraid of hard work, farming should be respected, and young people's enthusiasm should be encouraged, Pahor also stressed.

Minister Židan pledged that the government would offer various subsidies to young farmers to help them run their farms.

The Union of Rural Youth's President, Rok Roblek, did not hide his enthusiasm about the work that Pahor had done, since he had been prepared to undertake the dirtiest jobs.

Pahor, who volunteered at several menial jobs as part of his unconventional campaign for the 2012 presidential election, resumed the campaign after he was elected president.

He has so far worked for a day as a physiotherapist for people with developmental disabilities, a volunteer for the Anina Zvezdica Foundation and as a member of a company producing buses and heavy trucks.

He plans to spend one day a month working and talking with people from various generations, social and working groups all across Slovenia.


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