The Slovenia Times

PM Believes Agreement on 2014 Budget Will Be Reached



"I am aware that a hot autumn is coming," the prime minister told the press after a meeting with European Environment Commissioner Janez Potočnik, Bled Mayor Janez Fajfar and the dean and president of the Bled School of Management Danica Purg.

"I believe that, first within the coalition and then elsewhere, we will be able to reach an agreement for which all of us would say: This is it, this is what takes Slovenia in the right direction," Bratušek said.

Supplementing the 2014 budget is expected to be one of the main topics in the political arena in the autumn. Unofficially, across-the-board cuts are to be made, affecting among others pensions.

The head of the coalition Pensioners' Party (DeSUS), Karl Erjavec told the STA at the end of July that his party would have to "prevent reduction of pensions". He announced that the party will insist on keeping pensions at the current level.

Bratušek also commented on the plans for a north Adriatic gas terminal in Italy, which has made the EU priority list of energy projects of common interest that Slovenia recently voted against precisely because of the inclusion of the project.

The European Commission has called on all member states to approve the list and gave Slovenia and Italy until 20 September to reach an agreement. The final list is to be approved by the Commission on 2 October.

The PM said she believed that Slovenia and Italy will be able to find a solution by the deadline. "Together with Italy we are looking for a solution which will be satisfactory to all," Bratušek added.


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