The Slovenia Times

Over 450 UNICEF's Safe Spots for Children in Slovenia


In Ljubljana alone children can turn to 120 safe spots, including at the National Assembly and the European Commission Representation to Slovenia.

Safe places are organised in different facilities from pharmacies, florists' shops and hair salons to libraries, stores and even confectioners' shops.

This allows children to seek help anonymously, Bergoč explained, underlining the importance of children's awareness of such safe havens, which also increases their feeling of safety.

The employees of the facilities that serve as safe places for children are trained to react calmly and help children by calming them down, finding out their problems and making the right judgement on who to call.

While children turn to safe spots for help in various cases ranging from lost keys to abuse, 54 cases of serious trouble were recorded last school year where the intervention of the police or professional services was required, said Boštjan Gorenc Pižama, a popular Slovenian comedian and promoter for UNICEF's safe spots.


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