Regional Policy Commissioner Hahn Visiting Slovenia
Hahn, who last visited Slovenia in March 2012, is expected to meet PM Alenka Bratušek, Economic Development and Technology Minister Stanko Stepišnik and Infrastructure and Spatial Planning Minister Samo Omerzel.
Speaking ahead of the visit, Commissioner Hahn said that "Slovenia is at a crucial stage in planning investments under EU Regional Policy for 2014-20 and in implementing the current generation of projects."
According to the Economic Development and Technology Ministry, all programming documents for the period 2014-2020 should be ready by the end of the year.
Ministries have already drafted a list of priorities which would be co-funded with the EU money from the next budget.
The priorities include investments in small and mid-sized companies, R&D, energy efficiency, renewables, anti-floods measures, public transport, including the upgrading of railway infrastructure, and measures to encourage employment.
The commissioner will also meet members of the parliamentary EU Affairs Committee, Economy Committee, Infrastructure and Spatial Planning Committee, and the Committee for Labour, Family, Social Affairs and the Disabled.
He will also visit centres of excellence at the Technology Park in Ljubljana which were co-financed with EU structural funds.