Traditional Fair of Foreign Books Kicks Off in Ljubljana
The festival will open with a round table on scientific literature for everyone, which will be attended by director of the Jožef Stefan Institute Jadran Lenarčič, robotics expert Tadej Bajd and artificial intelligence expert Ivan Bratko.
Konzorcij manager Bojana Zarnik told the press before the fair that this year's exhibition of foreign books, running until 16 November, brings an excellent selection of scientific writing that could by no means be overlooked.
Among the experts helping Konzorcij select the hottest books were environment expert Lučka Kajfež Bogataj, economist Jože P. Damijan, mechanical engineer Janez Gruden, historian Jože Pirjevec and chemist Branko Stanovnik.
Many award-winning books, including Nobel Prize and Pulitzer winners, from 430 publishers of world-renown will be presented in Ljubljana, the majority of them written in English. In fact, more than 30% of all books in Konzorcij are written in a foreign language.
Following the lead of the Frankfurt book fair, Konzorcij will focus on Brazil's publishing industry this year, presenting mainly tourist guides and culture specific publications.