The Slovenia Times

Slovenia Observes Independence and Unity Day



Slovenians decided in a plebiscite held on 23 December 1990 that they wanted to break away from the former Yugoslavia. With a turnout of 93.2%, support for independence was expressed by an overwhelming majority of voters (95% of those who came to the polls and 88.5% of all voters).

The result of the referendum was clear soon after the polls closed on 23 December 1990, but was not officially declared until three days later. In memory of that day, Slovenia observes Independence and Unity Day on 26 December.

The outcome of the referendum paved the way for Slovenia to pass the Basic Constitutional Charter on the Sovereignty and Independence of the Republic of Slovenia on 25 June 1991.

The plebiscite took place following the first multi-party election in Slovenia in April of 1990.

Prime Minister Alenka Bratušek said in her message to the citizens that the question of Slovenia's sovereignty was as important now as it had been 23 years ago, adding that the country was on the right track.

She believes that the goals pursued by the government are realistic and achievable. Slovenia will be a country where solidarity is preferred to egoism, and where cooperation will be better appreciated than one's own interest, Bratušek said.

Speaker Janko Veber, who addressed the national ceremony on Friday, meanwhile said that Slovenians must create a new, positive attitude toward their state and restore trust in democracy.

Independence and Unity Day has been observed since 2005.


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