Industry Returns to Growth
Industrial output was 0.6% up on the month before and grew by 2.6% compared to November 2012; the monthly increase was on the account of 1% growth in manufacturing, while all sectors reported growth year-on-year, mining and quarrying the most robust at 8.9%, show data from the Statistics Office.
Capital goods industries and consumer goods industries expanded by 1.8% and 1.5%, respectively, from October, while intermediate goods industries reported a 2.5% monthly fall. All three divisions recorded growth year-on-year.
Turnover was down 0.1% from October, but rose by the same amount year-on-year. It collapsed by 10.5% in mining and quarrying month-on-month. Certain sectors, such as electrical equipment manufacturing recorded increase owning to growth in non-domestic turnover.
The value of stocks increased by 0.5% over the previous month but fell 3.4% year-on-year.