Golden Fox World Cup Moved from Maribor to Kranjska Gora
Maribor, which like most parts of Slovenia has been plagued by unseasonably high temperatures, already gave up on organising the slalom and giant slalom races last week, announcing it would be clear this week whether the event would be moved to Kranjska Gora or a resort outside of Slovenia.
Head of the organising committee Srečko Vilar told the press on Monday that although the rain has also damaged to the course in Kranjska Gora, the lower temperatures and snow forecast in the coming days are reason for optimism.
Kranjska Gora, known for hosting the men's slalom and giant slalom World Cup races, has already proven a worthy replacement location for the Golden Fox meet in the past. The races in Kranjska Gora will be the last women's World Cup races before the February Olympics in Sochi.