The Slovenia Times

Slovenia Launching US, UK Investment Roadshow


The roadshow will include meetings with investors in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston and London, the Finance Ministry has said. It has declined to provide additional information on the investors who will be invited to the meetings.

While the ministry has said that the new issue of dollar-denominated bonds will take place when market conditions are right, previous experience suggests that such operations are carried out soon after roadshows are carried out.

Indeed, Slovenian media have speculated in recent days that the upcoming issue could be carried out as early as this month.

Slovenia last issued bonds in November, when it unexpectedly tapped the euro market with a EUR 1.5bn placement with a single unnamed investor.

Prior to that Slovenia tapped the US market in May last year and October 2012 with combined bond issues worth US$ 6bn.

The yield on Slovenian 10-year bonds has dropped since the EUR 3bn recapitalisation of three state-owned banks in December. According to data from the MTS electronic exchange, yield on Slovenian papers stood at 4.62% at the close of trading on Monday.

In line with its budget financing plan, the government plans to take out EUR 3.532bn in debt this year, with the cap on borrowing set at EUR 7.744bn.


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