The Slovenia Times

Parliament Will Finally Confirm New Ministers


Metod Dragonja has been nominated for economy minister, Alenka Trop Skaza for health minister and Gorazd Žmavc for minister for Slovenians abroad.

Dragonja and Trop Skaza have been put forward by the Positive Slovenia (PS) after the resignation in November of Stanko Stepišnik and Tomaž Gantar, respectively.

Žmavc, meanwhile, will succeed Tina Komel, who stepped down just last week to make room for a cabinet member from the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS).

This will give DeSUS the same number of ministers as it had before the reshuffle as Gantar was considered part of the DeSUS quota.

All three candidates have been cleared at committee and their hearings suggest they will largely continue with the work of their predecessors.

The confirmation vote will be followed by revotes of the energy act and the medicinal products act, which had been vetoed by the upper chamber of parliament.


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