The Slovenia Times

FM Criticised Over Ukraine Stance


"I made it very clear in Brussels that Russia is the key to the solution of this crisis...Everyone agreed with that," Erjavec said in reference to his statements on the sidelines of the recent meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels.

Erjavec was attacked by the Assembly for the Republic over his "inappropriate conduct regarding Ukraine, which is damaging for Slovenia," in particular the offer that Slovenia act as mediator.

But he said today Slovenia merely offered "assistance not in the sense of mediation between the EU and Russia" but along the lines of previous visits by German, French ans Polish foreign ministers to Kiev.

"I think I acted correctly. The objective of foreign policy is to seek political and diplomatic solutions...It would be worst is Slovenia advocated harsh measures against Russia."

He still thinks Slovenia could help in the dialogue, since it recognises the new Ukrainian government and has traditionally good relations with Russia that are not burdened by history.

EU leaders, including Prime Minister Alenka BratuĊĦek, will meet in Brussels on Thursday and Slovenia will advocate the position that political dialogue needs to continue and a peaceful solution has to be found through dialogue.

At the same time, Slovenia recognizes the new Ukrainian government and the country's territorial integrity, and it expects Russia to honour international agreements, according to the foreign minister.


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