PM: "We Expected Warnings from European Commission"
"The document is as I expected it to be. We have envisaged a series of measures, also in the budget documents for 2014 and 2015, but they are yet to be implemented in full. Our job now is to fully implement the planned measures, such as the real estate tax," Bratušek said in Brussels.
Responding to the call on Slovenia to intensify work on privatisation, the PM pointed to the Sovereign Holding act, which is to be passed by parliament shortly and will form a basis for the government to draw up a strategy of asset management.
"There we'll define in detail what we'll be selling in the future. For now there's a list of 15 companies, two of which have already been sold," Bratušek said in response to comments by Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Olli Rehn, who called on Slovenia to move ahead with privatisation and reforms.
Slovenia was the only EU member get the second consecutive warning over excessive macroeconomic imbalances, as the European Commission adopted a special recommendation on Wednesday calling for "timely correction of its excessive government deficit."
The PM also commented on the latest unemployment figures on the sidelines of the EU summit today, describing unemployment as the only indicator that still needed to turn. "We wish for a turnaround soon. We believe company restructuring and delaveraging will also lead to that, but it will take some time."