The Slovenia Times

Public Finances Out of Control: Deficit on Half of Annual Target in February



Budget revenue stood at EUR 641.62m in February (EUR 660m in January), while expenditure was at EUR 903.62m (EUR 883.86m the month before), according to preliminary estimates by the Finance Ministry.

Social transfers accounted for EUR 477.8m of expenditure in February, followed by current expenditure (EUR 300.54m), while loan interest amounted to EUR 134.97m, the ministry said in Wednesday's statement.

Taxes collected in February accounted for EUR 460.42m of budget revenue (EUR 592m in January). Revenue generated by taxes on goods and services with the exception of the VAT dropped from EUR 471.24m to EUR 326.24m on the month before.

EU funds obtained meanwhile increased from EUR 27.32m in January to EUR 51.65m in February.


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