The Slovenia Times

The best bread in Ljubljana?


"In a country, where the best bread is industrial, there is something wrong", speaks out Andrej Gerželj in Slovenia's Delo newspaper. He opened a small bakery just a few months back in Ljubljana's centre, on Gornji trg, between restaurants and small ateliers. In a city where "pekarnas" are all over the place, opening 24 hours a day and offering all pretty much the same taste, Gerželj's OSEM is a new thing.

His approach to making bread is completely different one, providing his customerseight pieces of eight (osem in Slovene) different kinds of bread every day. The bread is freshly baked in the morning with mainly ingredients from Slovenia and far away from mass production. On most of the days the bakery has to close even before their official closing time because they run out of bread during the day. On this is the problem with OSEM, having tried their extraordinary bread opens you the eyes how good bread can be, you won't buy anything instrustrial then anymore.

For everybody, bread aficinados and average bread eaters, the bakery is worth a try for sure. Just let the smell of freshly baked bread guide you up the street and you will find the store. But don't go there too late because otherwise you won't get any bread!


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