Industrial Output Down 0.7% in February
The value of the production of industrial products and services was down by 0.8% in manufacturing in February compared to the month before, according to the office.
Output in electricity, gas and steam supply was meanwhile by 1.4% higher than in January, while it was down by 11.9% in mining and quarrying.
The output of intermediate products was flat in at the monthly level, while the output of investment products was up by 1.5% and the output of consumer goods down by 1.5%.
Sales revenues in industry were also down in February by 1.6% compared to January and by 1.2% compared to February 2013.
On the other hand, industrial sales revenues in the first two months of 2014 were up by 1% year-on-year.
The value of inventories of industrial products was down in February by 0.7% at the monthly level. It was however still above the 2010 average, by 0.9%.