The Slovenia Times

PM Bratušek Believes She Will Defeat Zoran Janković


"I believe I will," Bratušek told the paper in an interview run on Saturday, adding that she was encouraged by PS deputies and members, who according to her claim that the party has done a lot in the first year as the ruling party.

Bratušek was indeed endorsed by several high-profile PS members at Friday's meeting in Ljubljana, with MP Maša Kociper saying that a majority of around 50 party members agreed that political stability of the country is the first priority.

Bratušek admitted that she had decided to join the PS because of Janković. "The fact is that with him and because of him we won the elections at the end of 2011," Bratušek said, adding however that PS members and voters were disappointed with Janković's failure to form a government after the elections.

While praising Janković for being an excellent mayor, she told Večer that it would be irresponsible if she insisted to stay as the PM in case Janković wins the congress and reclaims the post of the PS president.

Bratušek noted that Janković's resignation as the PS president was one of the conditions to form a PS-led government following the ousting of the Janez Janša cabinet at the beginning of 2013.

According to her, Janković never sought immunity from prosecution, while he did express the wish for all the procedures in which he is a suspect to end quicker. "Not only because of him, but because of all whose reputation has been tarnished with lengthy proceedings."

While some PD deputies may endorse Janković at the congress, Bratušek believes that they will not turn their backs to the party when it comes to the announced vote of confidence in Bratušek in parliament. "They will probably think twice before voting against the government. Their government."

The PM is convinced that the PS is successfully implementing its programme, and would like to see the current coalition continue to work until the end of the term in the autumn of 2015.

Turning to privatisation, Bratušek said she sees no major obstacles for the sale of Telekom Slovenije. She did not reveal the price the state is asking for Telekom, while noting that there is significant interest in the telco.

She admitted that she holds regular meetings with potential investors, who according to her want an assurance that after all the complications and standstills in the privatisation process, Slovenia is being serious this time.

Regarding the unexpected resignation of France Arhar as the chief supervisor of the NLB bank, Bratušek said she had heard that he was leaving because a certain political party is meddling with the economy, referring to the opposition Democrats (SDS).


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