The Slovenia Times

The End of Government Coalition


"This coalition has stopped existing...The PS has obviously decided to take it down," Social Democrat (SD) president Igor Lukšič told the press.

He noted that the coalition had been formed on condition that Janković step down as party leader due to a series of corruption accusations.

Lukšič said that "the improvisation should end and we should head to an early election as soon as possible...The SD will not take part in attempts to put together a new government without elections."

In the interim all parties should join forces and agree which projects should be carried out before the election to make things easier for the new coalition, he said.

"The election of Zoran Janković is ending the term of this government," Karl Erjavec, the president of the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS), told the STA.

Though Bratušek has not yet made it clear whether she intends to make good on her promise to step down if Janković wins, Erjavec is convinced she will keep her promise.

"Snap elections are the only way to resolve this political crisis," he said. To prevent the crisis from dragging out, early elections should be held before the summer holidays.

"We're convinced a government without full powers cannot carry out the necessary tasks," he said.

Likewise, the Citizens' List (DL) said in a written statement earlier today that the coalition was no longer a workable option with Janković back on the scene.

Janković himself insisted after the party vote that Bratušek could still stay on as prime minister even if he heads the party.

Bratušek has not yet made it clear what she would do, but she had repeatedly said before the party congress that she could not lead the government if she fails to win over the members of her party.

Statements by PS officials suggest she could make her decision known Monday or Tuesday.

Lukšič said Bratušek should make her decision known soon so as to "clarify the situation".


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