The Slovenia Times

Opposition Supporting Early Election


Janša suggested in one of his tweets that the PM and coalition party heads reached an agreement today under which Bratušek would work for the the European Commission.

What is more, Social Democrats head Igor Lukšič would go to the European Parliament, and Citizens' List (DL) Gregor Virant would get lucrative deals as part of the EU's twinning programme, while Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) head Karl Erjavec would be appointed ambassador in Belgrade, Janša said on Twitter.

The NSi meanwhile said that the decision was expected but expressed criticism because Bratušek did not resign immediately after losing a party presidency vote against Zoran Janković at a congress of Positive Slovenia (PS) a week ago.

The NSi said in a press release that the PM should have stepped down immediately if she truly wanted the parliamentary election to be held before the summer, as underlined after today's meeting.

The party believes that Slovenia will not be able to hold the vote before autumn due to poor timing of the PS congress and slow responsiveness of coalition partners, who were on vacation.

The NSi moreover said that it might consider joining forces with the People's Party (SLS) in the early election, as their cooperation for the upcoming European vote was going very well.

NSi reiterated today that it would not put forward a PM-designate, while the SDS said it would not propose a name of its own last week.

SLS president Franc Bogovič told public Radio Slovenia that his party wanted an early election.


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