The Slovenia Times

Coalition Agreement Expected to be Initialled Next Tuesday


Kustec Lipicer said as talks among the three prospective partner parties were still ongoing that it is clear that the commitment for an investigation of the causes of the banking sector losses will be stated in the document.

While SocDems head Dejan Židan was the only party boss at today's meeting, the talks were also attended by potential future ministers.

The distribution of ministries and the names of the new ministers, to be coordinated among the three party leaders, are also expected to be clear by Tuesday's initialling, Kustec Lipicer announced.

Unofficially, the coalition talks on staffing could get complicated over an alleged demand by DeSUS for additional cabinet posts should SD MP Tanja Fajon be selected for Slovenia's EU Commissioner.

She is one of three candidates put forward by the outgoing government in a procedure that has been subject to additional complications.

DeSUS's Saša Ivan Geržina confirmed "that of course a new distribution of ministries will be discussed" if Fajon, meaning "one from the coalition" gets appointed commissioner.


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