The Slovenia Times

PM: "Let's Put Bratušek Nomination Issue to Rest"


He wants "this story to end here", since "making accusations against Slovenia" abroad is not in the country's interest.

Unlike Bratušek, who was also invited, Cerar attended the opposition Democrats (SDS)-requested session of the EU Affairs Committee because of what he said was misleading information appearing in the public in connection with the matter.

He explained that his government will "definitely and immediately" debate the contentious move only should any new unpredicted circumstances arise for instance during the hearings of European Commission candidates in the European Parliament or in Slovenia.

Although the candidacy of Bratušek, who was later selected by the next European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker for one of seven Commission vice-presidents and will be in charge of the energy union, did not reflect Cerar's preferences, reopening the issue would "make no sense and would not be right".

Cerar, whose government line-up is expected to be appointed in parliament tomorrow, stressed that Bratušek got a very important post on the Commission and that it was in the interest of Slovenia to have a commissioner with as many powers as possible and with a strong department. Thus personal assessments and interests need to be put aside now, said Cerar.

The PM-elect, who left the session immediately after making his statements, said the matter "should end here", since it is now in the hands of EU institutions.

He noted the recurrence of mutual accusations and accusations made by Slovenians against their country abroad, describing it as something that is at odds with democratic culture and Slovenia's interests.

Bratušek is expected to present her vision of the EU's energy policy for the next five years on 6 October at two European Parliament committees, namely the committee on the environment, public health and food safety (ENVI) and another on industry, research and energy (ITRE).


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