The Slovenia Times

Public Opinion: Re-Election for Ljubljana and Maribor Mayors


The poll, published on Saturday, gives Janković 40.5%, but only 10.8% to his list, which suggests the mayor's list will no longer have absolute majority in the city council.

It is followed closely by the Miro Cerar Party (SMC) list at 9.9%, while the United Left (ZL) got 7.3%, the Democrats (SDS) 6.2%, and the SocDems 5.6%.

Meanwhile, far behind Janković in the mayoral rankings is independent Damjan Damjanovič with 9.8% support, while all the remaining ten candidates got less than 2%.

In Maribor, Fištravec, who succeeded Kangler in March last year after being one of the leading faces of the protests against him, was backed by 21.1% of the respondents, while 15.7% support Kangler's comeback. The SMC's Anton Kranj's was picked by 8.6% and Tomaž Kangler of the Democrats (SDS) by 4.7%.

The SMC can on other hand respect the best result among the lists for city council, receiving 12.2%. The SDS got 7.9%, Fištravec's list 7.3%, the SocDems 6.5% and the ZL 5.8%.

Definite participation in the election was announced by 49% for Ljubljana and by 55% for Maribor.

The survey was carried out between 22 and 25 September and included 400 respondents.


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