Coalition Confirmed Budget Plans, Protests of Unions Expected Soon
The government is planning mostly a number of redistributions in this year's budget, while it is currently devising measures on the revenue and expenditure side for next year in order to fulfil Slovenia's pledge to the EU to reduce the deficit to below 3% of GDP.
As part of these efforts, Cerar said the government was planning a number of legislative motions that would be put to parliament in the coming weeks. "This was the topic of today's discussions," the leader of the senior coalition SMC said.
The message of unity was echoed by Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec, the leader of the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS).
"If we want the government to successfully implement the required measures, we need full support in parliament," Erjavec said about the meeting which included coalition MPs.
He said that one of the possibilities for finding reserves for the 2015 budget was better management of state assets. Currently the state earns around EUR 120m in dividends from its shares in companies, which he feels could be improved.
Meanwhile, Social Democrats (SD) leader Dejan Židan highlighted the importance of keeping welfare in tact. He also welcomed the decision of the government not to consider implementing a welfare contributions cap for the time being.
Židan also warned against making significant cuts in the public sector. While agreeing that existing measures for savings in the public sector should be extended, he opposes extra measures that would not be agreed with the trade unions.
Cerar assessed that the first reactions from the trade unions to the government's standpoints for measures for next year was excessive. "The talks need to be constructive," he said ahead of Wednesday's continuation of the talks.