Public Opinion: Govt Approval Tumbles to 18%
The government approval fell by a third to 18.1% in the monthly survey conducted by pollster Ninamedia for commercial broadcaster POP TV and the daily Dnevnik on a sample of 700 adults.
The work of the government was assessed as unsuccessful by 70.4% of the respondents, while 11.5% said they were unable to assess its performance, POP TV reported.
Meanwhile, the SDS leapfrogged the SMC in the party rankings, as the latter's support slipped from 18.5% last month to 13.8%. The SDS was endorsed by 14.5% of the respondents.
The junior coalition Social Democrats (SD) are third with 8.7%, followed by the opposition United Left (ZL) with 8%, the Pensioners' Party (DeSUS) and New Slovenia (NSi).
President Borut Pahor is cemented atop the list of most popular politicians, while MEP Tanja Fajon rose to second, followed by SD leader Dejan Židan.
Slovenia's European Commissioner Violeta Bulc is fourth, with Cerar falling to fifth.