The Slovenia Times

Coalition Agreed on Fiscal Rule Bill


Prime Minister Miro Cerar, addressing reporters after the coalition meeting, said the coalition had agreed to back the bill at the government session on Thursday and refer it to parliament.

"In the shortest possible time we will also be calling on other parliamentary parties to get at the table together to reach a consensus on the solution for the fiscal rule," Cerar said after the third meeting on the matter since Sunday.

The implementation bill for the balanced budgets rule was first discussed on Sunday and then again yesterday, as Finance Minister DuĊĦan Mramor presented a working version of the document to the three coalition parties ahead of a planned debate involving all parliamentary parties.

The proposal envisages the implementation of the rule in 2016 with a gradual phasing-in resulting in the full elimination of budget deficits in four to five years. Since the bill needs a two-thirds majority to pass, the coalition will also need to get other parties on board with a meeting planned for next week.

"We also plan a decisive response to the issue of the Bank Asset Management Company" (BAMC), Cerar said in a reference to a leaked report by the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption highlighting high expenses for consulting contracts and executive pay, among other things.

Cerar said he had ordered Minister Mramor to draw up a report within a week to ascertain potential conflicts of interest and potential other flaws in BAMC's operations.

Cerar pledged to put in his word to cap remunerations at BAMC, which he said were absolutely beyond reasonable boundaries. He did add though that the matter needed a thorough reflection so as not to take any rash decisions.

He repeated that the privatisation of the 15 companies on the priority list continued and noted that the coalition also discussed legislation to be debated by parliament in December with several financial bills on the agenda.


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