IMF Staff on Regular Mission to Slovenia
The IMF staff are scheduled to meet representatives of the central bank, Banka Slovenije, and the Finance Ministry, as well as officials at other government departments and services, the Bank Asset Management Company, Slovenia Sovereign Holding, banking, corporate and trade union officials.
Some of the topics to be broached in talks include Slovenia's macroeconomic situation, the shape of the financial sector and the strategy of dealing with non-performing loans, corporate restructuring and privatisation, the government's economic policy guidelines and structural reforms.
Also on the agenda will be budget plans and documents, including a set of measures planned by the government in a bid to bring the general government deficit below 3% of GDP. The fiscal rule of a balanced budget, which Slovenia still needs to implement in law, is also expected to be brought up.
Based on the discussions conducted, the IMF mission will assess the current situation in Slovenia. The jest of its recommendations so far is for Slovenia to continue the clean-up in the banking sector and corporate restructuring, reducing the general government deficit and pushing ahead with privatisation.
These key challenges for the country were also pinpointed by IMF officials at the annual meetings of the IMF and the World Bank in Washington in October. The fund then significantly upgraded its fo