Budget Deficit in 2014 Slightly Lower than Expected
Revenue totalled just under EUR 8.5bn, which is EUR 146m below plans but EUR 675m more than in 2013, and expenditure at EUR 9.6bn, wihch is EUR 166m less than expected and EUR 336m above the 2013 figure.
Tax receipts amounted to EUR 6.6bn, up EUR 404m on 2013. Income and profit tax revenue increased by almost a quarter, while a slight increase was also recorded in tax revenue from goods and services.
Standing at slightly over EUR 1bn, revenue from the EU budget was EUR 79m below budget plans, but EUR 102m above the 2013 figure.
In the expenditure category, an increase compared to 2013 was recorded in expenditure for wages and other compensations for workers as as well current transfers, while interest payments amounted to almost EUR 1.1bn or 31% more than in 2013.
Also up were investment expenditure and investment transfers, as well as - by a few million - expenditure on goods and services.