The Slovenia Times

PM Congratulates Syriza, Hopes Greece to Adhere to EU Rules


"We hope the money we have contributed for Greece's development will come back one day," Cerar said, adding that now everyone was waiting for further developments in Greece and how the country "fits in the circle of European rules that Slovenia and everyone else must respect equally".

Meanwhile, Cerar also said that it would not be right of him to comment on how realistic Syriza's platform was as this was Greece's domestic political affair. He also believes it is now necessary to let the Greeks form a government.

The Slovenian PM deems it important for Greece to be treated as an EU partner. "Slovenia, and I hope everyone else, will aspire for Greece to continue to respect the rules in force in our community, this area," Cerar said at the side of a parliament session he attended.

Syriza won Sunday's general election in Greece on a promise by its leader's Alexis Tsipras that he would renegotiate the terms of Greece's bailout package. After the win Tsipras said that Greece was leaving behind "disastrous austerity".

According to a recent government report, Slovenia's exposure in aid to Greece through loan guarantees in the European Financial Stability Facility and share in the 2011 loan granted by euro countries is just over EUR 1.2bn.


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