Slovenian and Estonian PMs Talk Cooperation, Greece, Investment
As regards Greece, the pair were united in the view that it would be best to stay on the path of fiscal consolidation and structural reforms, while solidarity should also be given appropriate weight, Cerar's office said in a press release.
Roivas moreover argued that Greece's financial policies are also about trust in the single European currency and that democratic elections do not in themselves change the international commitments made.
Cerar and Roivas meanwhile identified e-administration among potential cooperation fields, especially given Estonia's wealth of experience here, and a working visit to Estonia by Public Administration Minister Boris Koprivnikar was announced as part of this effort for the spring.
Another cooperation opportunity was highlighted in the discussion on the European Commission's investment plan, where the two countries have similar ideas.
Slovenia's plans for an infrastructure upgrade on the Baltic-Adriatic Corridor are partly complementary with Estonia's Rail Baltic project.
The biggest Estonian project in the investment plan, estimated at EUR 3.6bn, connects the Baltic to Central Europe and could significantly boost the economic potential of the countries located along the corridor.
The Slovenian and Estonian prime ministers moreover exchanged views on other international topics, especially from the perspective of alliances among smaller EU member states.
They strongly condemned the latest violence in the east of Ukraine, with Cerar saying Slovenia remained firmly committed to the respect of Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty.
The pair called for a lasting truce on the basis of the Minsk talks and for determined, united and coordinated action on the part of the EU aimed at securing a lasting solution.
Cerar also met Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves with whom he called for closer cooperation within the EU.
Cerar assessed that the two countries have similar experience with their neighbourhoods and share the role of furthering efforts to put them high on the European agenda.
On Wednesday, the final day of his visit, the Slovenian PM will attend a meeting of senior officials of ALDE group members to discuss common ground on priority EU matters for the liberals.