Hotels Happy with Winter Break Turnout
Ski resorts are especially happy with the winter break turnout, as weather conditions are better than they were during the December holiday season and also better than during last year's winter break.
Hotel operators in ski resorts report that their capacities are almost completely full, adding that most guests come from Slovenia.
More than 80% of the guests hosted by the Rogla hotels operated by Unior Turizem are Slovenians, the rest come from Hungary, Croatia, Serbia and Italy.
The situation is similar at the nearby Mariborsko Pohorje slopes; the hotel capacities there are not as full as they hoped because the fate the local ski lifts operator went bust in autumn and it was unclear for a while whether the lift would operate this season.
Hotels in Bohinj are filled at 50-90% and about a half of the guests come from abroad. Skiing conditions at the nearby Vogel ski resort are perfect, skiers can also enjoy several other nearby resorts or take on some 70km of cross-country tracks.
Natural spa resorts also report of good turnout, many have more guests than they have during last year's winter break.
Among them is the Terme Podčetrtek resort, where 80% of the rooms have been taken, while last year the hotel were only 65% full.
All hotels have also detected an increase in last-minute reservations, which means that the number of guests can still increase this week, when the western half of Slovenia is on a winter break.