Parliament to Wrap Up Plenary with Vote on Several Motions
The final day of the plenary will see MPs grapple with a bill sponsored by the National Council, the upper chamber, which would allow pharmacies to act as wholesalers. The changes to the medicines act appear not to enjoy sufficient support.
Also on the agenda will be government-sponsored changes to the consumer protection bill raising the compensation ceiling for standard consumer products in case of a fault in line with new EU rules.
The debates will be followed by a voting session on motions debated since Thursday.
This includes five bills which the government has proposed as the start of a broader reform of the judiciary and a motion to extend the moratorium on the tearing down of illegal builds for up to five year so as to allow the crafting of an amnesty law.
Votes are also expected on the government-sponsored changes to the aliens act that would give authorities greater powers to allow family members to join refugees in Slovenia and an opposition motion that would criminalise joining or recruiting for foreign wars. The latter appears headed for defeat.