The Slovenia Times

Yield for Majority of Crops Up Last Year


Total output of wheat and spelt, the main bread cereal in Slovenia, was 173,000 tonnes and was 25% higher than in 2013, while total output of maize was 351,000 tonnes, up 55%.

Potato output in 2014 stood at 97,000 tonnes, up 56% compared to the year before. The average yield was 27 tonnes per hectare, which is the best yield in the past twenty years, according to the office.

Around 71,000 tonnes of vegetables were produced in Slovenia last year. As regards individual vegetables, total output of all vegetables, except tomato (-4%), was up compared to the previous year.

The output of peas increased by 60%, green beans by 39%, beetroot by 32%, and cucumber by 27%.

The production of beans was up by 115% and the output of rapeseed increased by 31.6% to 20,000 tonnes, with the average output per hectare standing at a record 3.6 tonnes.

The surface area used for the production of soy increased last year by 46% to put the output up by 126%. The average hops output was meanwhile 1.8 tonnes per hectare, which is 25% more than the average for the last ten years.

The overall output of fruit was level compared to 2013. The production of apples was up by 2%, and it was a good year for pears, the output of which was up by 31%. On the other hand, peaches and nectarines did worse than in 2013 (-27%).

Olive producers had a bad year, as the yield almost halved. The average yield of 0.8 tonnes per hectare was only half the average yield in 2013 and down 62% compared to the ten-year average.

Total output of grape in 2014 was down 6% year-on-year and 14% compared to the ten-year average.


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