Slovenian MPs Meet EU Commissioner over TTIP
The commissioner underscored to the group the benefits of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), which are vital for Slovenia's economy.
She also announced the launch of a special website to inform the companies of the benefits of the agreement.
The key opportunity according to her is in the field of customs duties and in establishing common standards, also by abolishing duplicated identical testing procedures that result in double costs.
Malmström expressed concern about what she sees as insufficient awareness among Slovenian companies about the agreement and its benefits, urging MPs to get involved in debate, which should be based on facts not myths.
Slovenian MPs raised concerns mainly about imports of genetically-modified organisms, protection of food standards, the inclusion of SMEs and risks of the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) instrument.
The commissioner told them the mechanism had been in place since 1950 and was part of 1,400 trade agreement of member states and that the current system was out of date and needed to be modernised.
The meeting between Malmström and Slovenian MPs is part of enhanced communication about the benefits of TTIP on all levels and efforts to improve transparency.
Malmström has been meeting members of national parliaments of all member states so that the Commission could better take into account their concerns in negotiations with the US.
Slovenia has been advocating the need for negotiations to be as open as possible and for the preservation of high EU standards on food safety, environment, consumers and workers.
The meeting took place as a group of 22 Slovenian MPs, including eight committee chairs and nine vice-chairs, are visiting Brussels for a seminar to learn in more detail about topical EU affairs.