Minister Opens Four Industrial Fairs in Celje
The metal processing industry generates a third of the country's gross domestic product and employs a third of all people in employment, the minister said at the openings of Forma Tool, Plagkem, Graf&Pack and Welding&Foundry.
Since Slovenia recorded a 2.6% economic growth last year, the stable economic situation allows for "a bit more optimism", he said in a reference to the future of the branch. Last year, a "shy growth of consumer consumption" was also recorded, he added.
The government is determined to boost competitiveness of the economy, because this is crucial for development and a better future, Počivalšek said.
"We will achieve this by not levying any more duties on companies and by striving for less red tape. We will also make a few steps towards decreasing labour costs and again tackle the labour legislation."
The system of rewarding of employees at companies operating with profit should also be improved, he believes.
Only research, development and innovation can create the necessary conditions for development of industry and create jobs for the young, he stressed.
The four fairs, running until Friday, showcase Slovenian market leaders and important global brands.
Cutting-edge technical solutions in metal processing are being presented along with new energy efficient machines and industrial robots.