2,500 Join Wings for Life Run in Slovenia
The run attracted a number of celebreties, including President Borut Pahor, the honorary sponsor of the event in Slovenia and the first world president in such a function.He finished the run at respecive 22 km.
Starting simultaneously at 35 locations around the globe, the second edition of the run attracted more than 100,000 participants across the world, up from 41,000 last year.
The winners of the charity race in Slovenia were among womens Slovenian marathon runner Žana Jereb and in mens category Robert Radojković of Croatia.
Zana covered a good 45 kilometres and Radojković almost 70 km from the start in Ljubljana's Congress square before being overtaken by a catcher car, which signals the end of the race.
Catcher cars began chasing the runners half an hour after the start, increasing speed every hour into the race.
All proceeds from the entry fees go to the spinal cord research foundation Wings For Life, whose mission is to find a cure for spinal cord injury.