The Slovenia Times

OECD Boss Gurria Visiting Slovenia


Gurria will begin his visit by meeting PM Miro Cerar, whereupon the pair will present Slovenia's Economic Survey 2015, the prime minister's office said.

The document includes economic policies and macroeconomic movements with guidelines for measures.

The OECD boss will also present the organisation's latest forecast for Slovenia.

Last November, the OECD projected a 1.4% GDP growth for Slovenia for 2015 and 2.2% for 2016.

Given that the situation in Slovenia has improved since, the OECD is expected to upgrade its forecast.

The IMF has for instance recently changed its forecast for Slovenia, forecasting 2.1% growth for 2015 and 1.9% for next year.

Similarly, Slovenian forecasters have upgraded their projections, with the government's forecaster IMAD projecting 2.4% growth for this year and 2% for 2016.

Meanwhile, Bank of Slovenia said Slovenia's GDP would grow at a 2.2% rate this year and at 1.8% next year, while European Commission will release its forecast tomorrow.

Along with the economic forecast, the OECD also makes some recommendations, which often upset Slovenian trade unions.

Earlier this year the unions were bothered by the recommendation to limit minimum wage growth.

Dušan Semolič of the ZSSS trade union association said in February that "some of the messages of the OECD gentlemen who are supposed to be knowledgeable about the situation here are truly the messages of people living in another world".

At the time the OECD also recommended a new pension reform, a tax reform, a speedy withdrawal of the state from the corporate sector, and changes to education policies.

The Paris-based organisation gathers 34 most developed countries in the world. Slovenia became its full member in July 2010.

Gurria will also meet President Borut Pahor, Speaker Milan Brglez and Foreign Minister Karl Erjavec, as well as Finance Minister Dušan Mramor and central bank vice-governor Janez Fabjan.


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