The Slovenia Times

Safe Driving Solution Declared Slovenia's Start-Up of the Year


The mDrive system developed by the six-member Tibopo team is based on a 3D camera recording the position of the drivers hands and responding to violations with minor or more pronounced warning signals.

"Simple solutions are often the best decisions," team member Andrej Podvršič said, explaining the tool was already being tested in Slovenia and Serbia, while a breakthrough is planned later in Switzerland, Germany and the US.

The main targets are companies with fleets and letters of intent have already been signed with a few major firms. A study has also been agreed on the actual influence of the system on safe driving.

The winner was picked by a 64-member commission among 107 entries. The remaining four finalists were InoVine with a solution for the rapid production of sparkling wines, the Coinhab platform for collective construction, the Kraken silent high-performance fins for underwater fishing, and a risk management tool by SBT.

Before the award ceremony a panel was held on "What it Really Means to Be an Entrepreneur". Participants agreed that focus and a passion for work were what makes a successful entrepreneur.

The main organiser of the competition and conference is Iniciativa Start:up Slovenija. Almost 700 participants from 20 countries and more than 30 investors are attending this year.


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