Three Lucky Number for Slovenian Families
More than 80% of Slovenian citizens lived in one of the 567,347 families, out of which married couples with children were the most numerous.
Even though more than 237,000 families were married couples with children at the time, the data show a constant decrease of this family type over the last three decades.
On the other hand, the statistics office records the biggest increase of single parent families over the past few years, which made one family in four a single-parent family.
In addition, more than half of the children have been born to unmarried couples recently, while families had an average of 1.56 children. A total of 76% of families included at least one child aged 18.6 years on average.
Only 44% of families reported both parents employed in 2011, while at least one of the two was unemployed in 7% of the families.
On the other hand, both partners had jobs in 58% of families with children, while only a percent of them reported both jobless. In most of the families without children, both partners were retired (53%).
In 2010, men spent on average 42 hours per week at work, while women worked 40 hours. On the other hand, men took 27 hours per week for past time activities, while women spent only 21 hours for past time activities.
Similarly, men spent 11 hours per week for housework and babysitting, while women spent 24 hours per week for the same activities.
Men spent almost EUR 178 a month for children under 16 years of age in 2011, while women spent some EUR 190. These expenses included school lunch, kindergarten fees, past time activities, clothes and toys.
When taking decisions, a vast majority (over 88%) of couples said that they take unanimous decisions on expensive purchases, having children, getting married, decisions about jobs or moving as well as finances.
Slovenia is well known for children that leave their family nests late. Three out of four children aged between 18 an 26 were still living in their nuclear families.
A total of 60% were still going to school or university, while one in four already had a job. The largest share of these employed children were living in single parent families.
As many as 21,000 single parent families were living below the poverty threshold. According to a report from 2013, some 30% of single parent families were living in worse living conditions than other families and had more difficulties affording vacations.
Family variety in Slovenia, however, does not also mean that all families enjoy the same rights, the Slovenian Association of Friends of Youth (ZPMS) has warned on the occasion.
All children's rights need to be defended, irrespective of their parents' sexual orientation, it added ahead of the International Day of Families which will be marked on 15 May.
The UN proclaimed the International Day of Families in 1993 to underline the importance that the international community gives to families, support their meaning and raise awareness of the families' position in modern society.