The Slovenia Times

Dragonja: Insurer Triglav Needs Fresh Capital, Sustainable Growth


The state asset management strategy adopted this week classifies the state's 63% stake in Triglav as strategic, meaning it would be kept in state ownership.

However, once the state recovers its voting rights under new takeover legislation, Triglav will be classified as important - the state will not have a majority stake in it.

This is a sticking point for the coalition Pensioners' Party (DeSUS), which Dragonja said as "a key asset of the emerging demographic fund".

Indeed, a 35% stake held by the state pension purse manager in Triglav will be transferred to an emerging demographic fund to keep pension financing stable.

This is a reason why the party would like to keep the insurer in state ownership.

However the state would like to see Triglav have "an open ownership concept which enables listing on the stock market or linking up with a strategic investor with long-term goals", Dragonja said in an interview for daily Delo's Saturday Supplement.

The state secretary also believes that Triglav could play a more active role in connecting insurance markers in the region, for which it needs fresh capital.

He also said the new strategy does not say in which companies the state will decrease or increase its ownership stakes [to over 50% for strategic and to 25% plus one share for important investments].

This is "an open concept of the strategy's" and the state's further steps will depend on the society's economic and development interests rather than just fiscal ones, he added.

He explained that "the further steps" would be set down in the annual plan of the Slovenian Sovereign Holding (SSS), the custodian of state assets.

Dragonja does not expect any major changes to the strategy during the parliamentary procedure. But "a few amendments can be expected for sure", he said.


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