Negova Castle Becomes Exhibition Venue of Top Photography Organisation
As of Saturday evening launch, the Negova castle is one of only six FIAP's official exhibition venues around the globe.
The castle, which has recently been renovated and serves as a venue for various public and private events, will now also host numerous photo exhibitions.
This year, photography connoisseurs will be able to see the work of Herman Čater, Ioannis Lykouris, Ivo Borko, Maja Šivec, Matjaž Čater, Mitja Ličar and Tilen Sotlar.
The castle will also host an exhibition dedicated to the development of photography in today's Slovenia, entitled "Carniolan Photography from Puhar until Current Day".
An international organisation of national photography associations, FIAP has exhibition centres in Buenos Aires, Argenitina, Montevarchi, Italy, Konya, Turkey, Muscat, Oman and Jinan, China.
FIAP President Richardo Bussia attended the launch of the federation's new centre last night, as did Slovenia's Culture Minister Julijana Bizjak Mlakar.