The Slovenia Times

Černak Meglič Appointed Secretary for Social Affairs


Andrej Hudolin was moreover appointed secretary general at the Labour Ministry and Jadran Lenačič okayed for another term as director of Slovenia's top research organisation, the Jožef Stefan Institute.

Črnak Meglič is a sociologist who became in 1993 the first chair of the Slovenian National Committee for UNICEF, remaining at the post for ten years. She was elected to parliament in 2008 and was the chair of the Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Disabled Committee in two terms.

She is joining Cerar's office, which is ran by Gregor Krajc, as the fifth secretary. Janez Lenarčič is in charge of foreign and EU affairs, Franci Povše of national security, Tadej Slapnik of dialogue with civil society, coordination of citizens' initiatives and social entrepreneurship, and Mojca Štepic of the government project office.

Meanwhile, Hudolin, so far the acting secretary general, was appointed for a five-year term at the Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities Ministry. In the past he also worked in the office of the Defence Ministry and was PR officer at the Education Ministry.

Moreover, Lenarčič, who has been at the helm of Jožef Štefan Institute since 2005, has been confirmed for another five-year term after a decision to this effect by the institute's management board.


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