Slovenian Musicians Welcome Daytime Airplay Quota
The proposal for legislative changes, unveiled on Monday by the Culture Ministry, notably demands broadcasters fulfil the existing 20% quota in daytime broadcasting, between 6 AM and 10 PM, to end the practice of circumventing the rules via nighttime airplay.
Although the quota remains unchanged at 20%, the new approach was welcomed by everyone quizzed by the STA. Most of them however disagree with the disqualification of all vocal music that is Slovenian-made but using a foreign language.
The provision states that only vocal music with Slovenian text and Slovenian-made instrumental music can be considered Slovenian.
Composer Rok Golob for instance said that music is universal and that the performers stay Slovenian even if they use a different language.
He is not entirely comfortable with the quota system, although agreeing that "the aggressive marketing of non-Slovenian music often quantitatively forces...listeners to listen to it, which is why domestic performers in fact need to be protected".
Singer Severa Gjurin would like to see the quota set at 51% to counter what she does not see as a level playing field on the market.
Violinist Bojan Cvetrežnik sees 20% as a potentially good compromise, although feeling that commercial broadcasters should have a free hand, while media operating in the public interest should be subjected to stricter rules.
Musician Tinkara Kovač, who has recently became the head of the Musicians' Trade Union, feels 20% is too little, since it means Slovenian musicians will be "a minority in their own country". She would like to see a 51% quota as well.
The Musicians' Union Conference, another trade union grouping, generally agrees with the quota provisions, although it would prefer to see 40%.
It however indicated the Slovenian language provision could be unconstitutional, since the freedom of speech and expression in all forms and languages is a constitutional category.
"If additional stimulation is needed for creating in Slovenian, then this gesture is definitely in order, but it should be devised in a way that additionally rewards those who decide for this...and not undermine those who create in other languages."