EUR 96M Available for Local Development Programmes
Agriculture, Forestry and Food Minister Dejan Židan said it was important that the decree envisages the bottom-up approach, which means that local task forces will determine on their own what projects to implement.
The state will secure funding through three EU funds - EUR 52.4m will come from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development, EUR 36.8m from the European Regional Development Fund and EUR 6.7m from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.
Projects planned by local stakeholders, such as associations, municipalities, entrepreneurs, regional development agencies and individuals interested in development of local communities, will need to deal with at least one of the four main topics.
These are the creation of new jobs, investments in infrastructure, environmental protection and nature conservation and higher inclusion of youth, women and vulnerable groups, Židan told the STA.
Local communities will have a year to prepare projects, according to Židan, who stressed that the "money will be distributed relative to the number of residents, size of local communities and development level."
The government earmarked EUR 33m for the same purpose in the previous period, which means that the funds for the 2014-2020 period almost tripled, the minister noted.
Along with the Agriculture, Forestry and Food Ministry, the project is also implemented by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and the Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy.