Slovenian Exporters End 2014 with Profit of EUR 1.34BN
The most export-oriented activity based on the percentage of exporters and the share of their sales revenues was pharmaceuticals production.
As many as 52.2% of the companies in the branch are exporters, generating 99.8% of total sales.
The pharmaceutical industry was followed by production of metals, production of vessels, fisheries and growing of water organisms, and machines and vehicles production.
The biggest exporting potential was meanwhile detected in air transport and in the textile and timber industries.
Employees in the export sector, whose number rose by 0.8% in 2014, compared to the year before, generated EUR 46,285 in added value on average, which is up 15.7% from 2013.
Their average monthly gross pay totalled EUR 1,379, up 2.1% from 2013.
Compared to an average Slovenian company, an export-oriented company ended 2014 with almost three times higher sales and almost six times higher profit.
Exporters mostly do business with Slovenian capital, 4.8% of them use mixed capital and 15.1% only foreign capital.
Just over 8% of the exporters do not pay their taxes.
Most of the exporters (41.1%) are based in central Slovenia.