Culinary Delights of Central Slovenia on Display at Expo
In the next two weeks, visitors of the world exhibition will have the opportunity to enjoy in culinary shows performed by acclaimed chefs and discover dishes typical of Ljubljana and the central region.
The presentation will be accompanied by creative workshops, prize draws and an entertainment programme featuring mascots representing Ljubljana and the Velika Planina plateau, according to the SPIRIT agency.
Ljubljana, which boasts the Green Capital of Europe 2016 title, will also be presented as a green city dedicated to sustainable tourism.
The Ljubljana City Museum will present a campaign to raise awareness about the unequal distribution of drinking water in the world and emphasise the fact that Slovenia is among the rare countries with abundance of drinking water.
Ljubljana and the central region have seen a culinary boom lately, which is why the presentation focuses on local cuisine, including traditional dishes prepared in new and modern ways.
Ljubljana, which is also a recipient of the WTTC Tourism for Tomorrow award in the tourist destination, is a city with a high level of environmental awareness that has managed to preserve its green identity, SPIRIT said.